Friday, March 20, 2015

HB 608

Margaret (Margie) MacDonald
Revise commercial pet breeder laws


  1. Jeff Darrah on Mar. 20, 2015:

    Missoula County supports HB 608. The bill applies regulation to pet breeders, an industry which currently lacks appropriate regulation. If passed, this bill will help stop puppy mill situations.

  2. Sent the following to Reps. Curdy, Moore, Olsen, Steenberg:

    Missoula County supports House Bill 608 - Revise commercial pet breeders laws, in House Business and Labor this morning. HB 608 could help prevent large scale animal cruelty cases that come with significant costs to taxpayers and local governments. HB 608 creates standards for cats and dogs being commercially bred and makes licensing and inspection possible to ensure these animals are healthy. The bill also creates a board that will develop basic standards that breeders must comply with which is in the best interest of the animal, the consumer, and the breeders. Please support HB 608.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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