Thursday, March 26, 2015

HB 640

Forrest Mandeville
Generally revise local government laws


  1. Sending the following to Reps. McConnell, Steenberg, and Wilson:

    Missoula County opposes HB 640 - Generally revise local government laws – before House Local Government this afternoon. HB 640 limits the ability of local government to proactively work with others to meet the needs of local, regional and state residents. The bill incorrectly suggests that growth policies, zoning and other land use planning efforts adversely impact private property rights without due process. This suggestion is contrary to fact since such planning efforts are actually designed and implemented to protect, not erode, private property rights across large and small landscapes. Please oppose HB 640.


    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  2. Pat O'Herren on Mar. 26, 2015:

    HB 640 limits the ability of local government to proactively work with others to meet the needs of local, regional and state residents. The bill incorrectly suggests that growth policies, zoning and other land use planning efforts adversely impact private property rights without due process. This suggestion is contrary to fact since such planning efforts are actually designed and implemented to protect, not erode, private property rights across large and small landscapes. Please oppose HB 640.


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