Wednesday, March 11, 2015

SB 224

Cynthia Wolken
Create a commission to study criminal justice system


  1. Sent to Missoula County Representatives on Mar. 10, 2015:

    Missoula County supports Senate Bill 224 - Create a commission to study criminal justice system, before the House Judiciary tomorrow morning, and thanks Senator Wolken for carrying the bill. Missoula County has worked hard to implement an array of social services and jail diversion mechanisms in our detention center. Unfortunately funding, staff and efficiency testing are limited for these programs and our detention center experiences significant problems with jail overcrowding. Missoula County strongly supports any efforts to examine jail capacities and strongly supports SB 224.


    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners.

  2. Sent to MC Reps on the floor yesterday:

    Missoula County supports Senate Bill 224 - Create a commission to study criminal justice system, on the House floor this afternoon, and thanks Senator Wolken for carrying the bill. Missoula County has worked hard to implement an array of social services and jail diversion mechanisms in our detention center. Unfortunately funding, staff and efficiency testing are limited for these programs and our detention center experiences significant problems with jail overcrowding. Missoula County strongly supports any efforts to examine jail capacities and strongly supports SB 224.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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