Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SB 396

Edward Buttrey

Generally revise regulation of transportation for hire laws


  1. Sent the following to Reps. Steenberg, Moore and Person:

    Missoula County supports Senate Bill 396 - Generally revise regulation of transportation for hire laws – before House Federal Relations, Energy and Telecommunications this afternoon. SB 396 would allow for more ride service options in Montana. The DUI task force has identified the lack of ride service options in Missoula as a major barrier to preventing impaired driving. Because of the current taxicab regulations it is very difficult for new ride options to be created in Montana. Our task force has identified bringing an app-based ride service, such as Uber, as a potential solution to creating more safe rides in Missoula. However, the current regulations make this solution very difficult. Passing SB 396 would go a long way toward helping us bring more safe ride options to Missoula and the rest of Montana and decreasing impaired driving. Please support SB 396.

  2. Sent the following email to MC Reps. on the floor today:

    Missoula County supports Senate Bill 396 - Generally revise regulation of transportation for hire laws – on the House floor this afternoon. SB 396 would allow for more ride service options in Montana. The DUI task force has identified the lack of ride service options in Missoula as a major barrier to preventing impaired driving. Because of the current taxicab regulations it is very difficult for new ride options to be created in Montana. Our task force has identified bringing an app-based ride service, such as Uber, as a potential solution to creating more safe rides in Missoula. However, the current regulations make this solution very difficult. Passing SB 396 would go a long way toward helping us bring more safe ride options to Missoula and the rest of Montana and decreasing impaired driving. Please support SB 396.


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