
Friday, January 23, 2015

SB 197

Mary Caferro

Revise paid leave/days laws


  1. Cindy Wulfkuhle on Feb. 18, 2015:

    "SB 197 does not increase leave benefits, but it provides protection to individuals who may not have an employer who is supportive of they or a family member has been raped and needs to take time off for medical reasons. This bill gives an employee the same protection if they are raped or assaulted as it would for an employee who has a cold or a child who has a cold. We need to make sure victims, who are primarily women, do not have one more barrier to seeking help if they are in a dangerous situation. I do not believe an individual in Missoula County would be unable to use their personal leave time for situations this bill address; unfortunately, other parts of the state are not as understanding. We support the bill.

  2. Shantelle Gaynor on Feb. 18, 2015:

    Support SB 197. The bill does not award additional leave time. Instead, the bill recognizes that sexual assault is a cause for leave.


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