
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

HB 73

Casey Schreiner
Revise requirements related to release of patient immunization information

1 comment:

  1. Sent to Rep. Hill:

    Representative Hill,
    Missoula County supports House Bill 73 - Revise requirements related to release of patient immunization information - before House Human Services this afternoon. This bill would change from the current "opt-in" consent to an "opt-out" consent model with our state immunization registry imMTrax. This change would significantly improve the current time-consuming and burdensome process of obtaining and documenting consent as well as decrease time and costs associated with data transfers from private electronic health records to the state registry. This will help parents, patients, and providers know what immunizations a child or patient has received and which ones are due. Please support HB 73.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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