
Friday, January 2, 2015

SB 102

Duane Ankney
Revise air quality fee structure laws


  1. Jim: allow state and local air pollution control programs like ours to collect registration fees.

    Anne: seeking additional information/language.

  2. Sent to Missoula County Sentors on Jan.23 at 5 PM:

    Missoula County supports Senate Bill 102 - Revise air quality fee structure laws, on the Senate floor tomorrow morning. SB 102 revises air quality permit and registration fees set by the Board of Environmental Review and collected by the Department of Environmental Quality to better reflect costs of administering the permits and registration and ensuring the revenue collected is used for that administration. The bill also revises similar provisions regarding local air pollution control programs. Please support SB 102.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  3. Sending the following to Reps. McConnell and Olsen:

    Missoula County supports Senate Bill 102 - Revise air quality fee structure laws, before House Natural Resources this afternoon. SB 102 revises air quality permit and registration fees set by the Board of Environmental Review and collected by the Department of Environmental Quality to better reflect costs of administering the permits and registration and ensuring the revenue collected is used for that administration. The bill also revises similar provisions regarding local air pollution control programs. Please support SB 102.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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