
Friday, January 2, 2015

SB 93

Pat Connell
Revise laws related to DUI convictions and restricted-use driving permit


  1. The following message was sent to Missoula County Senators:

    Please oppose Senate Bill 93 - Revise laws related to DUI convictions and restricted-use driving permit, on the Senate floor this afternoon. SB 93 lacks certainty that protections against relapses in driving under the influence, such as interlock devices, are required. The bill also allows rather than requires the Montana Department of Justice to write rules limiting driving to essential needs when a license is permitted which further weakens existing public protections. Please oppose SB 93.

    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  2. Sent to Representatives Hill, McConnell and Person:

    Please oppose Senate Bill 93 - Revise laws related to DUI convictions and restricted-use driving permit, in House Judiciary tomorrow morning. SB 93 lacks certainty that protections against relapses in driving under the influence, such as interlock devices, are required. The bill also allows rather than requires the Montana Department of Justice to write rules limiting driving to essential needs when a license is permitted which further weakens existing public protections. Please oppose SB 93.

    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  3. Sent the following to MC Reps on the floor:

    Missoula County opposes Senate Bill 93 - Revise laws related to DUI convictions and restricted-use driving permit - on the House floor this afternoon. SB 93 lacks certainty that protections against relapses in driving under the influence, such as interlock devices, are required. The bill also allows, rather than requires, the Montana Department of Justice to write rules limiting driving to essential needs when a license is permitted which further weakens existing public protections. Please oppose SB 93.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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