
Monday, January 12, 2015

HB 186

Carolyn Pease-Lopez
Revise laws related to protecting victims of sexual offenses


  1. Shantelle Gaynor on Feb. 3, 2015:

    "Rep. Carolyn Pease-Lopez introduced legislation which would allow victims of sexual offenses to request that a convicted offender not be able to contact them or a member of their immediate family. This bill allows this request to be granted by the offender’s sentencing court, parole board, and probation office. This is a good bill. Please support."

  2. Sent to Missoula County Representatives:

    Missoula County supports House Bill 186 - Revise laws related to protecting victims of sexual offenses, on the House floor this afternoon. HB 186 allows victims of sexual offenses to request that a convicted offender not be able to contact them or a member of their family. The bill allows this request to be granted by the offender's sentencing court, parole board, and probation office. Individuals who have been traumatized by violence, such as rape, are often re-traumatized when their perpetrator continues to contact and harass them or their family. This bill affords victims additional protection from this potentially psychological and/or physical harm. Please support HB 186.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  3. Shantelle Gaynor on Feb. 3, 2015:

    "Individuals who have been traumatized by violence, such as rape, are often re-traumatized when their perpetrator continues to contact and harass them or their family. This bill affords victims additional protection from this potentially psychological and/or physical harm."

  4. Senators Larsen, Fielder and Sands on Senate Judiciary Monday afternoon:

    Missoula County supports House Bill 186 - Revise laws related to protecting victims of sexual offenses, before Senate Judiciary tomorrow morning. HB 186 allows victims of sexual offenses to request that a convicted offender not be able to contact them or a member of their family. The bill allows this request to be granted by the offender's sentencing court, parole board, and probation office. Individuals who have been traumatized by violence, such as rape, are often re-traumatized when their perpetrator continues to contact and harass them or their family. This bill affords victims additional protection from this potentially psychological and/or physical harm. Please support HB 186.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners

  5. Sent to Missoula Senators:

    Missoula County supports House Bill 186 - Revise laws related to protecting victims of sexual offenses, on the Senate floor this afternoon. HB 186 allows victims of sexual offenses to request that a convicted offender not be able to contact them or a member of their family. The bill allows this request to be granted by the offender's sentencing court, parole board, and probation office. Individuals who have been traumatized by violence, such as rape, are often re-traumatized when their perpetrator continues to contact and harass them or their family. This bill affords victims additional protection from this potentially psychological and/or physical harm. Please support HB 186.
    Vickie Zeier on behalf of the Missoula County Commissioners


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